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Generative Design

Updated: Apr 11, 2023

Artificial intelligence accompanies the development of innovative products, in relation to Siemens Digital Industries products on CAD platforms such as SOLID EDGE and NX , and CAE such as SIMCENTER 3D there are technologies that integrate the use of algorithms based on Artificial Intelligence that help in optimization and product resizing.

Currently in the world there is a need to obtain products with lower production costs and a lower environmental impact. From the point of view of creativity, many of the current designs use elements as a source of inspiration from nature in terms of their organic shapes, the perfection of these shapes allows solving problems of complex geometries in parts and also saves on materials that affect the manufacturing process, these shapes can be expressed mathematically and integrated into AI or optimization algorithms that help engineering teams make better design decisions.

The images above show a piece that had its inspiration from biomimicry at the Salsão plant and soon after, from a CAD project and continuous optimization processes, a steam valve project was arrived at, given the increasing advances in processes. of manufacturing in the area of ​​additive manufacturing, the manufacture of these complex parts becomes easier, reducing material waste and allowing a shorter time to obtain them. Some of the existing technologies within Siemens Digital Industries platforms to address this scenario are:


It is the best known technology in terms of material reduction without affecting the rigidity of the part, this technology is widely applied in castings and can also be integrated into other manufacturing processes such as additive manufacturing. This technology is based on element loads and boundary conditions given by existing geometry axes and contours.

As can be seen in the image, a support built by welded plates can be simplified by a simpler model, but which meets the conditions of resistance and functionality of the support.


This algorithm allows defining structural elements that optimize the use of materials in additive manufacturing processes inside the parts.

Depending on the geometry of the parts, these structures can support the manufacturing process to avoid dimensional distortions during the process.


It is an alternative when it comes to parameterizing CAD geometries that allows, from block programming, to insert complex operations on the surface of the CAD solid, as well as generate complex structures using a CAD surface as a base.

Starting from a base geometry, the Logic Editor tool is activated , which allows access to a programming interface by blocks and access to libraries with which blocks with parameters can be linked, and thus generate routines between the parameters.

This routine is automatically linked to the base geometry with a dialog window that allows controlling the desired parameters in the part.


SHERPA is a technology available in the SIMCENTER HEEDS product . The basis of this technology is that from parameters it can automate and execute iterative design processes and thus implement boundary and penalty conditions to arrive at optimized designs. This technology has a library of algorithms to be implemented.

Obtain design options that can be compared with other results, such as in CAE analysis, from these comparisons, graphically, an optimal range can be established, design and determine which designs meet the requirements established for the project.

With these technologies, it is possible to manufacture complex parts with lower production costs and less environmental impact, in addition to being inspired by organic forms of nature.

Give these technologies a try and see how they can transform your project.


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